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- All Flowers, Lilies
Bouquet with 20 lilies (mix colors)
- د.إ 490.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with 20 lilies (mix color), and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Flowers in a Vase, Lilies
“My Paradise” 12 white roses and 6 Lilly in a vase
- د.إ 350.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 12 white roses and 6 Lily in a vase + greeting card. Same-day delivery. * a vase can be different from the vase in the picture
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- All Flowers, Flowers in a Vase, Lilies
“Red Queen” 16 red roses and 6 lily in a vase
- د.إ 390.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 16 red roses and 6 Lily in a vase + greeting card. Same-day delivery.
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- All Flowers, Lilies
“Snow Lily Basket”
- د.إ 450.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 6 White Lily and 20 white roses with greeneries in a basket + greetings card.
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- All Flowers, Flowers in a Vase, Lilies
“Sweet Thoughts” 5 White Lily and 7 White Roses Bouquet in a vase
- د.إ 330.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 5 White Lily and 7 White Roses Bouquet in a vase + greetings card.
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- All Flowers, Lilies, Mixed Flowers, Roses
“Lovely Day” 5 White Lily 3 Pink And 4 White Roses Bouquet in a vase
- د.إ 340.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 5 White Lilym 3 Pink And 4 White Roses Bouquet in a vase + greetings card
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- All Flowers, Lilies
“Lilly Snow Bouquet” 6 white lilly bouquet
- د.إ 199.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 6 white lilly bouquet + greetings card
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- All Flowers, Lilies
“Snow Lilly” 6 white lilly in a vase
- د.إ 230.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 6 white lilly in a vase + greetings card
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- All Flowers, Flowers in a Vase, Lilies
“Lilly and Rose” 12 red roses and 7 white lily in a vase
- د.إ 375.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 12 red roses and 7 white lily in a vase + greetings card
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- All Flowers, Flowers in a Vase, Lilies
“Garden Lilly Bouquet” 5 steams of mixed lilly in a vase
- د.إ 200.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 5 steams of mixed lilly in a vase + greetings card
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- All Flowers, Flowers in a Vase, Lilies
“Pink Lilly Bouquet” 3 steams of pink lilly in a vase
- د.إ 160.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 3 steams of pink lilly in a vase + greetings card
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- All Flowers, Lilies, Mixed Flowers, Roses
“Pink Rose White Lily Bouquet” 4 White Lilies, 10 Pink Roses, 6 Chrysanthemums bouquet in a vase
- د.إ 380.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 4 White Lilies, 10 Pink Roses, 6 Chrysanthemums bouquet in a vase
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- All Flowers, Flowers in a Vase, Lilies
“Lovely White” 3 white lily and 10 Chrysanthemum with assorted greeneries bouquet in a vase
- د.إ 330.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 3 white lily and 10 Chrysanthemum with assorted greeneries bouquet in a vase
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