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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
Floral arrangement “Spring”
- د.إ 350.00 excluding VAT 5%
- This arrangement includes 2 hydrangeas, 10 pink roses, 2 stems of gypsophila, 2 pink spray roses, 3 stems of eucalyptus, 4 stems of ruscus, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Tulip
“Tulips Garden” arrangement
- د.إ 300.00 excluding VAT 5%
- This arrangement includes 24 mixed color tulips, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Tulip
Bouquet with 50 mixed tulips
- د.إ 600.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with mixed color tulips, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Tulip
Bouquet with 50 white tulips
- د.إ 600.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with 50 white tulips and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Tulip
“Happy Easter” bouquet of mixed color tulips
- د.إ 200.00 excluding VAT 5%
- "Happy Easter" bouquet includes 15 tulips in mixed colors, a tag happy easter, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Luxury Bouquets, Roses
Bouquet of 100 roses “Heart” red/pink
- د.إ 1,350.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet of 100 red roses (long stems) with a pink heart inside. A free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
Bouquet “Midsummer Night”
- د.إ 400.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 1 lavender Hydrangea, 9 lavender roses, 9 white roses, 3 white Gypsophilas, 4 white Veronicas, 4 stems of Ruscus. A free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
Bouquet “Heaven Scent”
- د.إ 400.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 1 white Hydrangea, 8 peach color roses, 8 white roses, 3 white Veronicas, 3 white phloxes, 3 white Gypsophilas, 6 stems of Ruscus. A free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Hyacinths
Bouquet of mixed Hyacinths
- د.إ 15.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Add any quantity of hyacinths for your bouquet and we will wrap it and send it for delivery. *Price is mentioned per 1 stem. A free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
Bouquet “Evelyn”
- د.إ 380.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 15 white roses, 10 pink roses, 10 eucalypti, 3 white gypsophilas, 3 pink gypsophilas. A free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Tulip
Bouquet of 20 mixed tulips
- د.إ 260.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet of 20 mixed tulips. Free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
Bouquet “Amour”
- د.إ 350.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 10 red roses, 4 white carnations, 4 red hypericum, 4 white Veronica, 3 kiwis, 4 white gypsophilas, 2 chrysanthemums. A free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Tulip
Bouquet of 15 mixed tulips
- د.إ 200.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet of 15 mixed tulips, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Roses
Bouquet “Purple Rose”
- د.إ 550.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet of 50 mixed purple roses. A free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
Bouquet “Pink Cloud”
- د.إ 400.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 1 pink hydrangea, 1 white hydrangea, 10 white roses, 6 white spray roses, 2 white single chrysanthemums, 2 white Veronica, 3 white gypsophilas, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
A Bouquet “Flag of Ukraine” – PROMOTIONAL PRICE!
- د.إ 850.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet of 50 yellow roses and 10 blue hydrangeas. A free greeting card. Same-day delivery.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
Bouquet “Summer Breath XL”
- د.إ 380.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with 3 spray roses in peach color, 3 pink spray roses, 4 white single Chrysanthemums, 3 blue Hydrangeas, 4 stems of Ruscus, 4 stems of Eucalyptus, and 4 stems of Gypsophila. A free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.
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- Out of Stock
- All Flowers, Hyacinths
Bouquet “Hyacinth Eden”
- د.إ 150.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A Bouquet with 1 large Eucalyptus, 5 small Eucalyptus, 10 white hyacinths, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
Bouquet “Pink Tenderness”
- د.إ 230.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with 1 pink rose, 2 pink carnations, 1 white rose, 2 white spray roses, 3 peach roses, and 3 eucalyptus. Free greeting card. Same-day delivery.
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- All Flowers, Occasions, Roses, Valentines Day
“Cafe Royale” bouquet
- د.إ 550.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 32 red roses with 10 eucalypti and 6 Limonium, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Out of Stock
- All Flowers, Hyacinths
Bouquet of 5 blue hyacinths
- د.إ 80.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Bouquet of 5 blue hyacinths, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery.
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- Out of Stock
- All Flowers, Hyacinths
Bouquet of 5 pink hyacinths
- د.إ 60.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Bouquet of 5 pink hyacinths, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery.
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- Out of Stock
- All Flowers, Hyacinths
Bouquet of 5 white hyacinths
- د.إ 60.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Bouquet of 5 white hyacinths, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery.
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- All Flowers, Roses
Bouquet with 36 red roses
- د.إ 440.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with 36 red roses, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Roses
Bouquet with 24 red roses
- د.إ 290.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with 24 red roses, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Occasions, Roses, Valentines Day
Bouquet with 12 red roses
- د.إ 160.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with 12 red roses, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Occasions, Roses, Valentines Day
Bouquet with 24 red roses and a small Teddy Bear
- د.إ 340.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with red 24 roses, a small Teddy Bear, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Occasions, Roses, Teddy Bear With Flowers, Valentines Day
Bouquet with 12 red roses and a small Teddy Bear
- د.إ 190.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Bouquet with 12 red roses, a small Teddy Bear, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Box With Flowers, Occasions, Roses, Valentines Day, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Red Velvet Hat Box with 100 red roses
- د.إ 1,335.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A red velvet box with 100 premium red roses, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
“Summer Breath” bouquet
- د.إ 250.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 1 blue or pink hydrangea, 5 spray roses, 3 white chrysanthemums, 2 white gypsophila and greeneries. Free greeting card. Same-day delivery.
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- All Flowers, Luxury Bouquets, Roses
Bouquet of 300 red roses
- د.إ 2,600.00 excluding VAT 5%
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- Box With Flowers, Events, Luxury Bouquets, Mixed Flowers, Occasions, Roses, U.A.E National Day
“UAE National Day” arrangement with roses
- د.إ 800.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 48-56 roses a wooden tray (can be different from a tray on the photo) UAE Flag Roses
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- All Flowers, Flowers in a Vase, Lilies
“My Paradise” 12 white roses and 6 Lilly in a vase
- د.إ 350.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 12 white roses and 6 Lily in a vase + greeting card. Same-day delivery. * a vase can be different from the vase in the picture
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- All Flowers, Flowers in a Vase, Lilies
“Red Queen” 16 red roses and 6 lily in a vase
- د.إ 390.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 16 red roses and 6 Lily in a vase + greeting card. Same-day delivery.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers, Roses
“Red Beauty” 24 red spray roses with greeneries bouquet
- د.إ 400.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 24 red spray roses with greeneries bouquet + greetings card.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers, Roses
“Snowflakes” 24 white spray roses with greeneries bouquet
- د.إ 400.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 24 white spray roses with greeneries bouquet + greetings card.
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- All Flowers, Lilies
“Snow Lily Basket”
- د.إ 450.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 6 White Lily and 20 white roses with greeneries in a basket + greetings card.
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- All Flowers, Flowers in a Vase, Lilies
“Sweet Thoughts” 5 White Lily and 7 White Roses Bouquet in a vase
- د.إ 330.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 5 White Lily and 7 White Roses Bouquet in a vase + greetings card.
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- All Flowers, Lilies, Mixed Flowers, Roses
“Lovely Day” 5 White Lily 3 Pink And 4 White Roses Bouquet in a vase
- د.إ 340.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 5 White Lilym 3 Pink And 4 White Roses Bouquet in a vase + greetings card
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- All Flowers, Roses
“Bright Day” a basket of 24 mixed roses with greeneries
- د.إ 380.00 excluding VAT 5%
- a basket of 24 mixed roses with greeneries + greetings card.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers, Roses
“Happy Monday” a basket of 12 mixed roses with greeneries
- د.إ 260.00 excluding VAT 5%
- a basket of 12 mixed roses with greeneries + greetings card.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers, Roses
“Pink Marmelaid” a basket of 24 pink roses with greeneries
- د.إ 380.00 excluding VAT 5%
- a basket of 24 pink roses with greeneries + greetings card
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers, Roses
“Pink Candy” a basket of 12 pink roses with greeneries
- د.إ 270.00 excluding VAT 5%
- a basket of 12 pink roses with greeneries + greetings card.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers, Roses
“Snow Basket” a basket of 24 white roses with greeneries
- د.إ 380.00 excluding VAT 5%
- a basket of 24 white roses with greeneries + greetings card
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers, Roses
“Sweet Snow” a basket of 12 white roses with greeneries
- د.إ 260.00 excluding VAT 5%
- a basket of 12 white roses with greeneries + greetings card
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- Out of Stock
- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers, Roses
“Surprise For You” a basket of 24 red roses with greeneries
- د.إ 380.00 excluding VAT 5%
- a basket of 24 red roses with greeneries greetings card Same-day delivery.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers, Roses
“Romantic Day” a basket of 12 red roses with greeneries
- د.إ 240.00 excluding VAT 5%
- a basket of 12 red roses with greeneries + greetings card
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers, Roses
“Brightness For You” 24 mixed spray roses with greeneries bouquet
- د.إ 390.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 24 mixed spray roses with greeneries bouquet + greetings card
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers, Roses
“Bright Saturday” 12 mixed roses with greeneries bouquet
- د.إ 230.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 12 mixed roses with greeneries bouquet + greetings card
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- Occasions, Roses, Thank You
Bright Saturday Morning
- د.إ 260.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 12 mixed roses with greeneries bouquet in a vase (vase can be different from photo) + greetings card
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