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- Occasions, Ramadan & Eid
Flowers in a box “RAMADAN KAREEM”, size M
- د.إ 380.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A "Ramadan Kareem" box includes 5 red roses, 3 white carnations, 2 white spray chrysanthemums, 2 greeneries, 2 white gypsophilas, 3 kiwi, 3 Veronicas. A free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.
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- Fathers Day, Occasions
Bouquet “Butterfly”
- د.إ 220.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 1 pink hydrangea, 1 white hydrangea, 1 blue hydrangea, 4 white Veronicas, 3 eucalypts. a free greeting card
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- Balloons, Events, Occasions, Valentines Day
“Happy Valentine’s Day” white heart balloon with three red hearts
- د.إ 150.00 excluding VAT 5%
- "Happy Valentine's Day" white heart balloon with three red hearts. Same-day delivery.
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- Balloons, Events, Occasions, Valentines Day
“Happy Valentine’s Day” balloons set of four
- د.إ 150.00 excluding VAT 5%
- "Happy Valentine's Day" balloons set of four ( 1 Happy Valentine's Day balloon and 3 red heart balloons). Same-day delivery.
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- Balloons, Balloons With Flowers, Deals & Discounts, Events, Occasions, Valentines Day
A bouquet with 50 red roses + 10 helium red heart balloons
- د.إ 790.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with 50 red roses and 10 helium heart balloons. A free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Occasions, Roses, Valentines Day
“Cafe Royale” bouquet
- د.إ 550.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 32 red roses with 10 eucalypti and 6 Limonium, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
“Merry Berry” bouquet
- د.إ 430.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 12 red roses, 8 red hypericums, 6 alstroemerias, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Occasions, Roses, Valentines Day
Bouquet with 12 red roses
- د.إ 160.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with 12 red roses, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Occasions, Teddy Bear With Flowers, Valentines Day
Bouquet with 36 red roses and a small Teddy Bear
- د.إ 480.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with 36 red roses, a small Teddy Bear, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Occasions, Roses, Valentines Day
Bouquet with 24 red roses and a small Teddy Bear
- د.إ 340.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with red 24 roses, a small Teddy Bear, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Occasions, Roses, Teddy Bear With Flowers, Valentines Day
Bouquet with 12 red roses and a small Teddy Bear
- د.إ 190.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Bouquet with 12 red roses, a small Teddy Bear, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Box With Flowers, Occasions, Roses, Valentines Day, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Red Velvet Hat Box with 100 red roses
- د.إ 1,335.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A red velvet box with 100 premium red roses, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Balloons, Events, Occasions, Valentines Day
Set of 5 balloons “RED HEART”
- د.إ 170.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Set of 5 foil balloons (RED HEART). Same-day delivery.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Christmas Snow
- د.إ 245.00 excluding VAT 5%
- An arrangement with Christmas leaves, 4 snow ilex berry, 5 rose gold ilex berry, 4 Ruscus. Same-day delivery.
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- Out of Stock
- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Vase “Merry Xmas and Happy New Year”
- د.إ 200.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A vase of Christmas tree leaves, 3 show ilex berry, 3 red glitter Craspedia. Same-day delivery. *a vase can be different from the photo.
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- Out of Stock
- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Vase “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”
- د.إ 180.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A vase of Christmas tree leaves, 4 red roses, 4 golden ilex berries. Same-day delivery. *a vase can be different from a photo.
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- Out of Stock
- Christmas /New year, Occasions
A basket “Merry Xmas”
- د.إ 230.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A basket with Christmas tree leaves, 5 red roses, 2 snow ilex berry, 4 rose gold ilex, 4 ruscus, 5 gypsophilas, 5 Massangeana leaves. Same-day delivery. *a basket can be different from the photo.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
“Happy Xmas” bouquet with ilex berries
- د.إ 140.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet of Christmas tree leaves with 5 ilex berries. Same-day delivery.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
A vase “Bright Xmas”
- د.إ 215.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A vase of Christmas tree leaves, 4 snow ilex berries, 3 red glitter Craspedias. Same-day delivery. *a vase can be different from the photo.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Happy Xmas bouquet
- د.إ 170.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with Christmas tree leaves, 3 ilex berries, 2 red carnations and 3 red glitter Craspedias. Same-day delivery.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
A box “Happy Xmas with love”
- د.إ 270.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box with Christmas tree leaves, 6 red roses, 6 red carnations, 3 green spray roses, decoration bubles. Same-day delivery. *A box can be different from the photo.
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- Out of Stock
- Balloons, Christmas /New year, Events, Occasions
Balloons arch “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year”
- د.إ 1,160.00 excluding VAT 5%
- The arch of balloons for Christmas and New Year. Colors can be different from the photo.
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- Out of Stock
- Balloons, Christmas /New year, Events, Occasions
Balloons arch “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year”
- د.إ 1,495.00 excluding VAT 5%
- The arch of balloons for Christmas and New Year. Colors can be different from the photo.
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- Anniversary, Balloons, Events, Occasions
Set of balloons “LOVE”, 108pcs
- د.إ 900.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A set of balloons (108pcs) Latex red balloons: 95pcs Latex gold balloons: 5pcs Red heart foil balloon: 2pcs Gold heart foil balloon: 2pcs Letters LOVE: 4pcs Same-day delivery.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Merry Xmas Basket
- د.إ 250.00 excluding VAT 5%
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Christmas Gift Basket
- د.إ 150.00 excluding VAT 5%
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Flower arrangement “Christmas Is In The Air”
- د.إ 210.00 excluding VAT 5%
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
“London Christmas” bouquet of 6 roses
- د.إ 220.00 excluding VAT 5%
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Christmas bouquet of 6 roses
- د.إ 230.00 excluding VAT 5%
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- Box With Flowers, Events, Luxury Bouquets, Mixed Flowers, Occasions, Roses, U.A.E National Day
“UAE National Day” arrangement with roses
- د.إ 800.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 48-56 roses a wooden tray (can be different from a tray on the photo) UAE Flag Roses
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- Occasions, U.A.E National Day
“UAE National Day” bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums
- د.إ 380.00 excluding VAT 5%
- - 26 roses - 6 chrysanthemums - greeneries
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- Box With Flowers, Occasions, U.A.E National Day, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
A Box of flowers “UAE National Day”
- د.إ 350.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 14-16 roses 4-5 chrysantemums hat box
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- Box With Flowers, Occasions, U.A.E National Day, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
A Box of flowers “UAE National Day”
- د.إ 350.00 excluding VAT 5%
- - 16-18 roses - chrysanthemums - hat box
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- Out of Stock
- Occasions, U.A.E National Day
Latex helium balloons “UAE National Day” (4pcs)
- د.إ 40.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 4 pcs latex helium balloons "UAE National Day".
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- Occasions, U.A.E National Day
Balloons arch “UAE National Day”
- د.إ 1,300.00 excluding VAT 5%
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- Out of Stock
- Occasions, U.A.E National Day
Latex helium balloons “UAE National Day” – Flag (200pcs)
- د.إ 990.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 200 latex balloons for the UAE National Day, arranged as UAE flag.
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- Out of Stock
- Occasions, U.A.E National Day
Latex helium balloons “UAE National Day” – Flag (100pcs)
- د.إ 580.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 100 latex balloons for the UAE National Day, arranged as UAE flag.
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- Occasions, Thank You
Bright Friday Morning with Vase
- د.إ 220.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 12 mixed roses in a vase (vase can be different from photo) with greeneries bouquet + greetings card
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- Occasions, Thank You
Bright Friday
- د.إ 340.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 24 mixed roses with greeneries bouquet + greetings card
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- Occasions, Roses, Thank You
Bright Saturday Morning
- د.إ 260.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 12 mixed roses with greeneries bouquet in a vase (vase can be different from photo) + greetings card
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers, Mothers Day, Occasions
“Mom’s Pink Bouquet”
- د.إ 390.00 excluding VAT 5%
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- All Flowers, Box With Flowers, Occasions, Roses, Valentines Day, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
“Lovely Red Roses Heart Box”
- د.إ 220.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 12 red roses in a hat box (heart shape) + greetings card
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