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- All Flowers, Luxury Bouquets, Mixed Flowers
“Garden Roses” Bouquet
- د.إ 650.00 excluding VAT 5%
- The bouquet includes 20pcs of garden roses in mixed colors, and 40 stems of spray roses in mixed colors. A free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Luxury Bouquets, Valentines Day
“VIP” bouquet with 500 red roses (long stems)
- د.إ 6,000.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with 500 red roses (long stem), and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Luxury Bouquets, Roses, Valentines Day
Bouquet of 100 roses “Heart” red/pink
- د.إ 1,350.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet of 100 red roses (long stems) with a pink heart inside. A free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Luxury Bouquets, Roses, Valentines Day
Bouquet of 300 red roses
- د.إ 2,600.00 excluding VAT 5%
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- All Flowers, Luxury Bouquets, Roses, Valentines Day, VIP Collection
Bouquet with 50 red premium roses
- د.إ 750.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- A bouquet with 50 red roses, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Luxury Bouquets, Roses, Valentines Day, VIP Collection
Bouquet of 100 roses “Heart” red/white
- د.إ 1,000.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 100 Red Roses Bouquet Long-stemmed roses Crafted into a captivating heart shape White Rosses Inside the heart Enjoy same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman
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- All Flowers, Luxury Bouquets, Roses, Valentines Day, VIP Collection
Bouquet with 100 premium red roses
- د.إ 1,500.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with 100 red roses (long stem), and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Luxury Bouquets, Roses, Valentines Day, VIP Collection
Bouquet with 200 premium red roses
- د.إ 3,000.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Luxury gift of 200 red roses Same Day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman. Same-day delivery.
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