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“Single red infinity rose (medium)” has been added to your cart. View cart
- Gifts
Led Crystal light (baby boy)
- د.إ 120.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Led Crystal light.
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- All Flowers, Roses
Lovely Pink Bouquet
- د.إ 174.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 12 pink roses bouquets.
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- Anniversary, Best Selling, Gifts, Hydrangea, Mixed Flowers, Roses, VIP Collection, Wedding
Pink Delight
- د.إ 319.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 3 gerbera pink, 5 Veronica pink, 4 carnation pink, 4 pink rose, 2 spray rose pink, 2 hydrangea white.
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- Best Selling
Blossom Bouquet
- د.إ 339.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 4 pink eustoma, 3 pink hydrangea, 7 carnation pink, 4 ruscus, 2 gypsophila.
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- Best Selling
Graceful Bouquet
- د.إ 249.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 4 white eustoma, 5 pink spray, 2 lumonium purple, 5 purple rose.
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- Gifts, Mothers Day, Occasions
Gorgeous Mom’s Hand Bag Bouquet
- د.إ 119.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 4 carnation pink, 1 eustoma pink, 1 eucalyptus, 2 wax pink.
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- Balloons, Events
Balloons garland, set of 121pcs (gold/black), BS-121P068 (Copy) (Copy)
- د.إ 900.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Set with 121 balloons, with installation. The table, backdrop, flowers, and other items are excluded and can be purchased for an additional price. Next-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Preserve flowers
Single infinity white rose
- د.إ 200.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Single infinity white rose Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Preserve flowers
Dual infinity blue roses
- د.إ 300.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Dual infinity blue roses Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Birthday, Events, Occasions, Preserve flowers, Roses
Single red infinity rose (medium)
- د.إ 275.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Single red infinity rose (medium) Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Preserve flowers
Single pink infinity rose
- د.إ 200.00 excluding VAT 5%
- Single pink infinity rose Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
Blushing Beauty Bouquet
- د.إ 320.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 1 blue hydrangea, 3 spray dark pink roses, 3 pink garden roses, 5 white roses, 3 large stems of eucalyptus, 2 purple limonium, 4 lavender roses, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
Floral Fancy Bouquet
- د.إ 460.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 3 white hydrangeas, 6 pink veronicas, 5 dark pink roses, 5 peach spray roses, 4 pink eustomas, 2 stems of large eucalyptus, and a free greeting card. Same-Day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
Pink Perfection Bouquet
- د.إ 290.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 5 dark pink spray roses, 3 dark pink roses, 3 white single chrysanthemums, 3 stems of large eucalyptus, 2 gypsophilas, and a free greeting card. Same-Day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
Tropical Summer Bouquet Tp
- د.إ 300.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with 3 pink spray chrysanthemums, 6 red spray roses, 5 dark pink roses, 5 stems of pink gypsophila, 1 purple hydrangea, 2 large stems of eucalyptus, and a free greeting card. Same-Day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
Emmanuel Bouquet Tp
- د.إ 350.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 4 peach carnations, 5 peach roses, 1 white hydrangea, 5 pink spray roses, 2 white limonium, 2 large stems of eucalyptus, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
Blooming Marvelous Bouquet wrapped in brown fabric
- د.إ 350.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 7 pink roses, 3 peach spray roses, 4 pink spray roses, 3 pink carnations, 3 pink veronica, and a free greeting card.
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- All Flowers, Mixed Flowers
“Just Because” Bouquet wrapped in brown fabric
- د.إ 350.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 5 pink alstroemerias, 4 pink spray roses, 3 dark pink spray roses, 7 pink roses, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Roses
12 red roses with eucalyptus wrapped in brown fabric
- د.إ 230.00 excluding VAT 5%
- 12 red roses with 2 large eucalypti wrapped in brown fabric, and a free greeting card.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Bouquet from Santa
- د.إ 350.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 8 red roses, 3 kirstballs, 4 red spray roses, 3 red hypericums, 3 red alstroemerias, 2 kiwis, 5 silver rose hips, 5 stems of pinus, 3 stems of greenery, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Medium Box From Santa
- د.إ 590.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 6 red roses, 4 red garden roses, 4 red spray roses, 10 stems of pinus, 2 red hypericum, 5 silver rose hips, 5 kirstballs, 4 red alstroemerias, 5 kiwis, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Small Box from Santa
- د.إ 290.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 3 red roses, 2 red garden roses, 2 red spray roses, 5 stems of pinus, 1 red hypericum, 3 silver rose hips, 2 kirstballs, 2 red alstroemerias, 3 kiwis, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Bouquet “Touch of Christmas”
- د.إ 220.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 8 red roses, 2 red spray roses, 2 red hypericum, 2 green kiwis, 2 kirstballs, 1 stem of nobilis, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Basket “Happy Christmas”
- د.إ 490.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A basket includes 3 stems of nobilis, 4 spray white roses, 4 red spray roses, 24 red roses, 6 stems of greenery, 4 kirstballs, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Bouquet “Christmas Wishes”
- د.إ 320.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 24 red roses, 3 stems of nobilis, 3 kirstballs, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Bouquet “Christmas Pleasure”
- د.إ 200.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet includes 6 white roses, 8 red roses, 1 stem of nobilis, 3 kerstballs, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Christmas Box (Small)
- د.إ 350.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A Box includes 2 stems of nobilis, 12 red roses, 3 kerstballs, 2 red spray roses, 2 green kiwis, 3 red hypericums, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Christmas Box (Medium)
- د.إ 690.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A Box includes 3 stems of nobilis, 36 red roses, 4 kerstballs, 5 red spray roses, 4 green kiwis, 4 red hypericums, and a free greeting card. Delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Christmas /New year, Occasions
Christmas Box (Large)
- د.إ 890.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A Box includes 4 stems of nobilis, 50 red roses, 6 kerstballs, 5 red spray roses, 4 green kiwis, 4 red hypericums, and a free greeting card. Delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Lilac Velvet Box With 24 White Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 white roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Black Velvet Box With 24 White Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 white roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Red Velvet Box With 24 White Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 white roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Pink Velvet Box With 24 White Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 white roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Red Velvet Box With 24 Peach Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 peach roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Black Velvet Box With 24 Peach Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 peach roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Lilac Velvet Box With 24 Peach Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 peach roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Red Velvet Box With 24 Orange Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 orange roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Black Velvet Box With 24 Orange Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 orange roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Black Velvet Box With 24 Yellow Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 yellow roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Red Velvet Box With 24 Yellow Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 yellow roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Red Velvet Box With 24 Lilac Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 lilac roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Black Velvet Box With 24 Lilac Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 lilac roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Lilac Velvet Box With 24 Lilac Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 lilac roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Balloons, Events, Occasions, Valentines Day
California Set with 10 Heart Helium Balloons
- د.إ 700.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A set includes a bouquet "California Dreaming", and 10 red foil balloons filled by helium. A free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Pink Velvet Box With 24 Lilac Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 lilac roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Red Velvet Box With 24 Pink Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 pink roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Black Velvet Box With 24 Pink Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 pink roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Lilac Velvet Box With 24 Pink Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 pink roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- All Flowers, Best Selling, Roses
A Bouquet with 50 White Roses in Blue Wrapping
- د.إ 550.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A bouquet with 50 white roses, and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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- Box With Flowers, Velvet Boxes With Flowers
Pink Velvet Box With 24 Pink Roses
- د.إ 315.00 excluding VAT 5%
- A box includes 24 pink roses and a free greeting card. Same-day delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman.
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